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Occupational Disease

Occupational Disease

Phildelphia Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

What is Occupational Disease?

Occupational diseases are illnesses stemming from exposure to toxic materials and other health hazards at work. Many workers’ compensation claims for occupational disease involve lung disease or heart disease caused by workplace exposure to such things as coal dust, methane or carbon monoxide, arsenic or lead, toxic chemicals or solvents, and smoke or heat. Some illnesses are specifically enumerated as work-related with the employer having the burden to rebut the hurt at work claim, i.e. “black lung disease” from coal mining. For other occupational diseases, your lawyer must prove that your illness was caused by your employment.

Have You Been Diagnosed With A Disease That You Believe Stems From A Workplace Accident?

Get help now! Pearson Koutcher Law has handled workplace compensation cases involving occupational diseases for over forty years. Our work injury lawyers understand the hardship you’re going through and are here to make your life a little bit easier in your time of need. We know that your work-related accident or occupational disease has caused enough pain and strife in your life and we’ll work to get you the hurt at work benefits you need to compensate for this ailment. The Philadelphia workers’ compensation lawyers of Pearson Koutcher Law will prove that your illness was work-related and obtain the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve.

Do Workers’ Compensation Benefits Apply to Occupational Diseases?

The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act covers many work-related injuries and illnesses. If you are disabled as a result of an occupational disease, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if your illness was caused by or aggravated by your employment. There are, however, strict guidelines that must be met in order to receive these benefits. Your disability must occur within 300 weeks of your last employment in an occupation where you were exposed to the hazard. Also, for certain lung diseases, you must have worked in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in an occupation that exposed you to silica, coal or asbestos for at least two years during the ten years prior to your disability.

We’re here to help!

Our work attorneys provide outstanding service and exceptional results through hard work and communication. Consultations are arranged at the convenience of the workman’s comp client, whether in our office or at the client’s home. Let us help you.

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