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Workers’ Comp Settlements

We believe that when we win a work-related
injury case, it’s not just a win; it’s changing
your life for the better.


Featured Settlements

Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Eric Pearson and Jonathan Koutcher Settle Case of Injured Worker for $875,000!

Eric Pearson and Jonathan Koutcher, partners at the workers’ compensation Philadelphia only firm of Pearson Koutcher Law, settled the case of an injured worker for $875,000, which is believed to be the highest workers’ compensation settlement in Pennsylvania in 2015. The injured worker suffered burns to approximately 30% of his body and was receiving wage loss benefits. In addition to disfiguring injuries to the head and neck, the injured worker was also disabled by the scarring and the loss of use of a number of his extremities. Mr. Pearson and Mr. Koutcher filed several petitions to expand the scope of the injured workers’ injuries to maximize his benefit status and also to obtain specific loss benefits (disfigurement and loss of use) in addition to benefits for wage loss. Mr. Pearson and Mr. Koutcher, recognizing the significant medical attention the injured worker would require for his lifetime, had a life care plan prepared, which detailed recommended remodeling of the injured workers’ home, special transportation equipment and the required ongoing medical treatment. The parties to the case participated in an all-day Mediation, conducted by the Honorable Michael Snyder (ret.). In addition to receiving a lump sum settlement of $875,000, the workers’ compensation insurance company agreed to fund and administer a Medicare Set Aside account for the injured worker.

$658,000 Fatal Claim Settlement for Widow whose Husband was Killed in a Work Accident

Pearson Koutcher Law partner Jonathan B. Koutcher settled the fatal claim of a 52 year old widow of a truck driver killed in a work-related motor vehicle accident occurring in 2006. The widow had been receiving fatal claim benefits since the accident. The widow had two children and she and Mr. Koutcher brainstormed how to best protect her interests, as both of her children were close to entering college. Mr. Koutcher was able to structure a settlement for the widow consisting of a large, upfront lump sum of money, periodic installment payments for college education expenses for the children and periodic annuity payments for the widow over the next 13 years.

$425,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Injured Cumberland County Worker with Electrocution Injury

Philadelphia worker’s compensation attorney Jonathan Koutcher of Pearson Koutcher Law settled the case of a Cumberland County, Pennsylvania electrical worker who was electrocuted when a cable was not properly grounded. The injured worker initially sustained arm and leg injuries, where the electricity entered and exited the body. The injured worker then began to develop a constellation of symptoms consistent with post-concussion syndrome, cognitive impairment, visual disturbance and nerve damage in the upper extremities. Mr. Koutcher filed petitions with the court seeking to add injuries to the already accepted work-related injuries, and the worker’s compensation insurance company filed a petition alleging that work was generally available for the injured worker to perform. The settlement negotiated by Mr. Koutcher for the injured worker represents more than eight (8) years of wage loss benefits in a lump sum.

Work-Injury Settlements

We focus exclusively on workers' compensation matters through compassionate and competent legal representation. For over a combined 100 years, our practice has assisted injured workers in the Greater Philadelphia region, and successfully obtained their benefits.