If you have a PA workers’ comp claim, it’s likely that at some point you will have to testify at a workers’ compensation hearing. If you have never testified in a legal matter, it’s understandable that you will have some anxiety. Even if you have testified before, you may be anxious. Here are some tips to help put you at ease and give you an idea of what to expect.
You may be relieved to know that workers’ compensation law is less formal than many areas of law — there will be no jury; no big, imposing courtrooms. A Workers’ Compensation Judge from one of the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s hearing offices will be assigned to preside over your case. If you live in the Philadelphia area, the Judge will most likely be based in Malvern, Upper Darby, Bristol, or Philadelphia.
Under normal circumstances — before the pandemic and when it is finally over — your testimony would be before the Judge at the hearing office. You would be in a small, comfortable hearing room. You may also have to testify at a deposition which would likely be held at your lawyer’s office.
However, since the pandemic started and for as long as it lasts, you will not be going to a hearing office to testify before the Judge. Instead, the Judge will hold a hearing by Skype or WebEx to observe you when you testify. The Judge may also require you to testify by deposition. (This is typically done at the beginning of your case while the testimony before the Judge is at the end.) During the pandemic, your deposition will be conducted telephonically — you will call into a conference call line.
Regardless of the circumstances under which you testify — live in front of the Judge, by video before the Judge, by deposition in your lawyer’s office, or by deposition on the phone — the format will be similar. Your lawyer will ask you questions about your job, your injury, medical treatment that you have received, your symptoms, and whether you are able to work. The insurance company lawyer will then have the opportunity to ask you questions on cross-examination. The Judge may also chime in with some questions.
In addition to asking you these types of questions, your lawyer will likely ask you other questions based on your specific circumstances. For example, if you injured your back in a car accident two years before you injured your back at work, your lawyer may ask you questions about the details of the car accident and for how long you received medical treatment. The purpose of these questions would be to refute any argument by the insurance company lawyer that you never recovered from the injuries you sustained in the car accident, and that your ongoing pain and limitations are due to the car accident, not your work injury.
Or if you had a second job at the time you injured yourself, your lawyer will ask you questions about this job and whether you have continued to do this job or stopped. If your injury rendered you unable to perform your regular job as well as your second job, you will be entitled to workers’ comp. benefits based on your lost wages from both jobs.
After all the evidence for your PA workers’ compensation claim is presented, the Judge will write a decision. Contained in that decision will be a summary of your testimony, and most importantly, whether the Judge accepts your testimony as credible. The Judge can accept your testimony as credible in its entirety — in other words believe everything you said; reject your testimony as not credible — in other words, disbelieve everything you testified about; or accept as credible some of your testimony, and reject as not credible other parts of your testimony. An example of that would be if the Judge accepted your testimony that you injured yourself at work and were unable to do your job for a few months, but rejected your testimony that you are still disabled as a result of your on-the-job injury.
It is crucial that before you testify, your lawyer thoroughly prepares you so that your testimony is well-organized, cohesive, and persuasive. At Pearson Koutcher Law, we have prepared thousands of clients for their testimony before Judges and for their depositions. Workers’ comp. is all we do — every one of our lawyers has more than 20 years experience representing injured workers. We will make sure you are completely prepared when you testify, which will greatly enhance the chances of you winning your case. Please call us for a free, comprehensive evaluation of your case.