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$180,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Berks County Factory Machine Worker

Jonathan B. Koutcher of Pearson Koutcher Law settled the case of a Berks County factory machine worker for the lump sum amount of $180,000. A piece of machinery fell and struck the injured worker on the head. The injured worker was diagnosed with post concussion syndrome and began to receive workers compensation benefits. When injured […]

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$275,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Injured Bucks County Landscaper With Eye, Neck and Psychological Injuries

Jonathan Koutcher of Pearson Koutcher Law settled the case of a Bucks County landscaper for $275,000. The injured worker was injured when a rock was propelled from a weed whacker being operated a coworker, striking the injured worker in the eye. The injured worker fell to the ground and suffered a severe eye injury. The […]

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$155,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Lehigh County Truck Driver

Pearson Koutcher Law settled the case of a Lehigh County Truck driver who hurt multiple body parts driving, loading and unloading a work truck. During litigation, Pearson Koutcher filed a review petition to amend the description of injury to include more injuries resulting in a higher lump sum settlement and more paid medical treatment taking […]

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$160,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Injured Montgomery County Fault Locator

Jonathan Koutcher of Pearson Koutcher Law settled the case of an injured worker with a lower back injury. The injured worker had lower back surgery but still experienced disabling lower back pain and radiculopathy. The injured worker was a fault locator and his job was very physically demanding. Mr. Koutcher had previously litigated and won […]

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$235,500 Lump Sum Settlement for Injured Montgomery County Worker

Pearson Koutcher Law settled the case of a Montgomery County Plant Operator who injured multiple body parts including his shoulder, low back and neck after a car rear-ended him at a stop sign. Once the injured worker’s employer filed a termination petition claiming he had fully recovered from his injuries, Pearson Koutcher filed a review […]

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$105,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Injured Hospital Police Officer

Jonathan B. Koutcher, partner at Pearson Koutcher Law, settled the case of a Philadelphia hospital police officer. The police officer had a shoulder injury requiring surgery. Thereafter the hospital offered the police officer a modified duty position, traveling to other hospital campuses and performing work in the control rooms. The injured worker had difficulty driving […]

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$180,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Berks County Security Officer

Jonathan B. Koutcher, partner at Pearson Koutcher Law, settled the case of a Berks County security officer with an injured shoulder. The security officer worked for a private security contractor at a federal courthouse in Pennsylvania and was injured when a parking lot security gate malfunctioned. The workers’ compensation insurance company denied the claim, arguing […]

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$180,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Union Electrician

Pearson Koutcher Law partner, Jonathan B. Koutcher, settled the case of a Philadelphia Union electrician with a shoulder injury. The injured worker’s job was physically demanding, requiring repetitive use of the arms and working at heights. After the Workers’ Compensation insurance company had the injured worker examined during an Independent Medical Examination (IME), the injured […]

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$175,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Montgomery County Union Roofer

Jonathan B. Koutcher, partner at Pearson Koutcher Law, settled the case of a Montgomery County Union roofer with a shoulder injury. The Union roofer was injured while removing roofing tiles with a machine on a repetitive basis. Mr. Koutcher had previously litigated the claim after the claim was denied by the workers’ compensation insurance company. […]

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$100,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Delaware Office Administrator Injured in Pennsylvania

Jonathan B. Koutcher, partner at Pearson Koutcher Law, settled the case of an office administrator who resided in Delaware but worked in Pennsylvania when a work accident occurred. The injured worker initially sustained a finger injury. Thereafter, the injured worker developed symptoms consistent with RSD, also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Mr. Koutcher filed a […]

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$225,000 Lump Sum Workers’ Comp Settlement for Lower Back Injury

Pearson Koutcher Law partner Jonathan Koutcher settled the Workers’ Compensation case of a union building cleaner from New Jersey injured while working in Pennsylvania. The injured worker had a lower back injury resulting in surgery and was not able to return to employment. The Workers’ Compensation insurance company only accepted an injury to the injured […]

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141,000 Lump Sum Settlement for Carpenter in Lehigh County

Pearson Kouthcer Law settled the case of a Carpenter who sustained traumatic plantar fasciitis and traumatic arthropathy when his foot got caught in a ladder. Following the injury, the Employer only accepted responsibility for a sprained ankle. The claimant worked for his employer in Lehigh County for over 14 years. His job required him to […]

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$658,000 Fatal Claim Settlement for Widow whose Husband was Killed in a Work Accident

Pearson Koutcher Law partner Jonathan B. Koutcher settled the fatal claim of a 52 year old widow of a truck driver killed in a work-related motor vehicle accident occurring in 2006. The widow had been receiving fatal claim benefits since the accident. The widow had two children and she and Mr. Koutcher brainstormed how to […]

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Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Eric Pearson and Jonathan Koutcher Settle Case of Injured Worker for $875,000!

Eric Pearson and Jonathan Koutcher, partners at the workers’ compensation Philadelphia only firm of Pearson Koutcher Law, settled the case of an injured worker for $875,000, which is believed to be the highest workers’ compensation settlement in Pennsylvania in 2015. The injured worker suffered burns to approximately 30% of his body and was receiving wage […]

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$138,500 Lump Sum Work Injury Settlement for a Union Plasterer

Eric Pearson, partner at Philadelphia workers’ compensation law firm Pearson Koutcher Law, fought for an injured worker whose claim was contested despite being hit by a car as a pedestrian while working. Mr. Pearson fully litigated the claim taking testimony from two medical experts and submitting a brief. The case then settled for three years […]

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$145,000 Lump Sum Workers’ Compensation Injury Settlement for Injured Montgomery County Plasterer

This injured worker sustained neck and back injuries after being involved in a work-related motor vehicle accident in Illinois. Philadelphia workers’ compensation attorney Eric Pearson, of Pearson Koutcher Law was able to establish jurisdiction in Pennsylvania and the injured worker began receiving wage loss benefits under the Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Act. After attending a mediation […]

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