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In a time when the world is in crisis and people from all walks of life are seeing their world turned upside down, it is always nice to hear some good news. Eric Pearson and Jon Koutcher, founding partners of the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law firm Pearson Koutcher Law, have received the prestigious recognition of […]

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Filing Workers’ Comp. Claims During The Pandemic

With the courts in Philadelphia and the surrounding counties essentially closed except for emergency matters due to the COVID-19 crisis, you may be asking yourself these questions if you injure yourself at work. Will I be able to file for workers’ compensation benefits? What happens if the insurance company denies my claim? Will a judge […]

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Stimulus Payments and Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Are you eligible to collect a stimulus payment while receiving workers’ compensation benefits If you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits, or have filed a claim for workers’ comp. benefits which has been denied and you are waiting for a decision from the judge, you should be aware of whether the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic […]

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Workers’ Compensation for First Responders

“911, state your emergency,” answers the 911 operator in a calm but serious tone. After the frantic caller describes the emergency — their home has been broken into, their house has caught on fire, somebody has difficulty breathing due to the coronavirus, or somebody is having a heart attack — the operator will make the […]

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Injured While Working at Home

Since the coronavirus crisis reared its ugly head, many people have been instructed by their employers to do their jobs at home by using their laptops, cell phones, and other tools. If you’re one of these workers and happen to injure yourself, would you be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits? It’s a good question, and […]

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Workers’ Compensation Claims for Pennsylvania Truck Drivers

Attention truck drivers: You have performed a vital service during the coronavirus crisis by transporting food and other necessities throughout the country, and your efforts are much appreciated. We want to make sure that if you are a driver based in Pennsylvania and injure yourself in an accident on the road, you will have a […]

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Can I file a Workers’ Compensation Claim for Exposure to the Coronavirus?

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry has issued guidance indicating that workers who are exposed to coronavirus, or COVID-19, at work may file workers compensation claims for an occupational disease or as a typical work injury claim. For those unfamiliar with how workers compensation works, view our worker’s compensation guide for more details. But in […]

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Diagnostic Tests — They Can Make or Break Your Workers’ Compensation Case

Much like DNA testing has changed the landscape of criminal cases as it has provided an important tool for prosecutors and defense lawyers to determine who committed a crime, the advent of diagnostic tests, notably MRIs in the 1980s, changed the way that doctors diagnose and treat patients and also has affected how judges decide […]

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The Fast Food Industry and Workers’ Compensation

We sometimes love getting our fast food fix by eating McDonald’s Big Macs, Wendy’s Chili, and Chick-Fil-A’s Chicken Sandwiches, but let’s not forget the people working at these restaurants who are preparing and serving the food. From time to time, these hard workers injure themselves on the job, and if they do, they are protected by […]

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Types of Benefits Awarded In Hearing Loss Claims

Individuals in Pennsylvania who suffer a work-related loss in hearing over 10% are entitled to specific loss and medical benefits. These benefits are available even if you are still working. Specific loss benefits are monetary benefits paid based on your loss of hearing. If your hearing loss claim is granted, you are guaranteed to receive […]

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Viruses, Infections, Breathing Disorders and Workers Comp

The coronavirus has dominated the headlines recently, as countless people have contracted the infection, including workers on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship. While this outbreak has occurred on the other side of the world, it raises the question of whether somebody is entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits if they don’t sustain a discrete injury […]

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Can I Receive Workers’ Comp for PTSD?

Typically, we think of worker’s compensation injuries as physical injuries such as spinal cord injuries, disfigurement of the face, head or neck, and back work injuries caused be accidents at work such as s slip and falls, fork lift incidents or motor vehicle accidents. However, Pennsylvania workers’ comp may also cover mental disorders including injuries […]

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Injured at Work — Will I Have to Face the Judge?

Anybody who is involved in a legal matter, regardless of the type, asks themselves the question with some concern, “Will I have to go before the judge?” If so, what constitutes the need to go in front of a judge? What should you expect? We are here to help. Let’s take a look at when […]

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Laid off while receiving Workers’ Comp Benefits

Can you receive workers’ comp benefits after you have been laid off? What happens if you injure yourself at work, start collecting workers’ compensation benefits, go back to work, and then you lose your job? Are you entitled to workers’ comp benefits in Pennsylvania? We are here to explain. The workers’ compensation attorneys at Pearson […]

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Uninsured Employers Guaranty Fund

Can you receive workers’ compensation benefits in Pennsylvania if your employer does not have workers’ comp insurance? Most employers in Pennsylvania, especially large employers, carry workers’ compensation insurance. So, if you get injured at work and are unable to do your job as a result of that injury, and you submit a claim to your […]

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Can I Collect Workers’ Compensation If I Slip and Fall at Work?

People often slip and fall, injuring themselves. This can happen while walking down a sidewalk, shopping in a store, or out to eat at a restaurant. If there was a defect in the sidewalk or debris on the floor which caused them to slip, they may take legal action and sue. But what if you […]

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