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What Questions Should I Ask My Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

You have injured yourself at work and the insurance company is denying your claim. You have contacted a firm which specializes in workers’ compensation law and you have a meeting with one of their lawyers. Here are 10 questions that we recommend you ask the lawyer at the meeting —and the answers you will get […]

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Can a PA Workers’ Compensation Case be Reopened?

If you have been receiving a weekly check for Pennsylvania workers’ compensation benefits, and a Judge issues a decision stopping your benefits, are you able to take any action which would allow you to receive a weekly check again? It depends on the type of decision that the Judge made in your case. We will […]

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How Do I Maximize The Value Of My Workers’ Comp. Case?

If you have injured yourself at work and cannot perform your job, you deserve the maximum amount of workers’ compensation benefits to which you are entitled. There are several things that you can do to increase the chances that the insurance company will accept your claim, or if not, the Workers’ Compensation Judge assigned to […]

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Carpal Tunnel Workers’ Comp. Claims

Most people injure themselves at work with the occurrence of one incident — they strain their back lifting a box, twist their knee pushing a cart, or tear the rotator cuff in their shoulder emptying trash. Sometimes, however, work-related injuries are caused gradually by the repetitive movements of a worker doing their job. Carpal tunnel […]

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Workers’ Compensation Acronyms Defined

You injured yourself at work and are receiving workers’ compensation benefits, and then you find out from the insurance company that even though they issued an NCP in your case and are paying you TTD benefits based on your AWW, because the IME doctor said you have recovered from your injuries and sent you a […]

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Pearson Koutcher Law Hits Chester, PA Airwaves.

Eric Pearson and Jon Koutcher, partners at Pearson Koutcher Law, are proud sponsors of CMP Radio. CMP Radio is a community-based internet radio station out of Chester, PA. CMP’s fundamental mission is to adequately inform, educate, motivate, stimulate, and inspire the masses with thought-provoking conversations. Eric and Jon are thrilled to support CMP’s mission and […]

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Workers’ Compensation and the Personal Animus Exception

One of the most interesting and “juicy” areas of Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law involves the personal animus exception. The courts often have had to grapple with whether this exception applies, sometimes in cases in which employees have been murdered. The general rule in Pennsylvania is that a person is entitled to workers’ comp. benefits (or […]

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Hurt At Work And Then Furloughed Or Fired

Getting injured at work and then losing your job – that’s a bad combination, but it happens to some people. If you are that unlucky person who suffered a work injury and are furloughed, laid off, or terminated by your employer, we’re here to explain the law to you. The COVID-19 crisis has required many […]

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What Happens To My Workers’ Comp Benefits If I Am Incarcerated?

Nothing will stop your workers’ comp. benefits faster than getting convicted of a crime. Here are the ins and outs of Pennsylvania law with regard to the effect a conviction – or an arrest – will have on your workers’ compensation rights. Is My Employer Required To Pay Me Wage Loss Benefits If I Am […]

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Injured at work and depressed or anxious?

Work injuries not only can have devastating effects on workers’ bodies – they can also wreak havoc on their minds. Suppose you are unfortunate enough to injure yourself at work – your neck, your back, your knee, or any other body part – and cannot perform your job.  If the insurance company denies your claim […]

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Settling Your Workers’ Comp Claim During The Pandemic

If you injured yourself at work before the pandemic, during the pandemic, or you get injured after the pandemic, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits in Pennsylvania – and you may be able to settle your case for a lump sum as well as payment for your medical treatment including continuing payments, if necessary, […]

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Traveling Employees And Workers’ Compensation

Several times a year, the highest court in the state, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, agrees to hear a case which presents important issues pertaining to workers’ compensation law. One such case, which the Supreme Court should decide by the end of 2020, involves a worker who was injured in a motor vehicle accident after attending […]

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Workers’ Compensation News Alert – NJ Senate Committee Approves COVID-19 Bill

On May 12, 2020, the New Jersey Senate Labor Committee approved S2380. The proposed legislation creates a rebuttable presumption of compensability in workers’ compensation for essential workers who contract COVID-19. This means that an employee who is deemed an “essential worker” and contracts COVID-19 would be presumed to have contracted the virus at work thereby […]

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To Return Or Not Return To Work After A Work Injury

If you have injured yourself at work in Pennsylvania and are collecting workers’ compensation benefits, and your employer sends you a letter, asking you to return to work, you should be aware of the ramifications of your decision. The COVID-19 crisis may affect your decision. Let’s take a look at a couple of scenarios you […]

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Returning To Work During The Pandemic

You have gotten your fill of watching Netflix and doing home improvement projects since the start of the pandemic – and now you’re heading back to work because your employer has decided to re-open. We understand that you may be chomping at the bit to go back, especially if you have not received a paycheck […]

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Receiving Medical Treatment During The Pandemic

Life has been dramatically different in so many ways since the shutdown started. One of those ways is that businesses have been forced to change the way that they operate. Restaurants have relied exclusively on take-out and curbside service, some store managers have limited the number of customers allowed in their store at one time, […]

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