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Higher Workers’ Compensation Rates in 2021

2021 will hopefully bring an end, finally, to the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been a very difficult year for everybody. On a less important note globally, but nevertheless a minor victory for injured workers in Pennsylvania, the new year will bring an increase in the amount of weekly workers’ compensation benefits that individuals injured at […]

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What Happens To Your Workers’ Comp. Benefits if you Violate a Work Order?

If you hurt yourself at work and cannot do your job as a result of your injuries, normally you are entitled to PA workers’ compensation benefits under [Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Law]( – money for your lost wages and payment of your medical bills. There are a few exceptions to this general rule, though, one of […]

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Workers’ Comp PA Lawyer Explains The Penalties In PA Workers’ Comp. Cases

Imagine this: you injured yourself at work, and the insurance company denied your PA workers’ comp claim, forcing you to hire a lawyer to file a Claim Petition for Pennsylvania workers’ compensation benefits on your behalf. Hearings and depositions are held over the next several months in your case; all the while, you have not […]

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Does Leaving The Work Force May Affect My Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Workers’ Comp PA Lawyer Discusses How Leaving The Work Force May Affect Your Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Pennsylvania There is nothing more honorable and rewarding for parents than to stay home and take care of their children. We have to caution you, though – according to a recent ruling by the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, […]

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Paperwork When Injured At Work

If you injure yourself at work, you will find out quickly that the workers’ compensation process requires the completion of a lot of forms. Your supervisor or a Human Resources representative from your employer is likely to ask you to complete an Incident Report, describing how you hurt yourself. You may be referred by your […]

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What does Supersedeas mean?

Supersedeas is a frequently-used term by lawyers and Judges in Pennsylvania workers’ compensation cases. If you have been unlucky enough to injure yourself at work, understanding supersedeas and their contingencies is essential to the outcome of your case. Read on for an in-depth guide detailing supersedeas Pennsylvania outcomes and expert recommendations from Philadelphia workers’ compensation […]

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Can Workers’ Comp. Benefits Last Forever?

Love sometimes lasts forever, but can your workers’ comp. benefits? The answer, theoretically, is yes, but it happens very rarely. Most workers’ comp. claims are fairly short-lived. We’re here to tell you how long you can expect your workers’ comp. benefits to last — and the ways in which they can stop. Let’s say you […]

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Attorneys’ Fees in Workers’ Compensation Cases

Whenever you need to hire a lawyer for a legal matter, an important consideration is always: What will the lawyer charge? If you hire a lawyer for a family matter – divorce or child support, for example – the lawyer will likely charge you an hourly rate. If you buy a home and hire a […]

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Attorney-Client Confidentiality

Many years ago, a distraught man made an emergency appointment for a consultation with a prominent criminal defense lawyer in central Pennsylvania. The man, sweating profusely, sat across from the lawyer at his desk and confided he had killed his wife earlier in the day. The lawyer was floored and allowed the man to tell […]

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Work Injuries and Surgery

If you hurt yourself at work, and it’s not a serious injury, you will probably be able to get treated adequately with medication, physical therapy, and maybe some injections. However, what happens if your injury is serious enough that you may require surgery — to your back, shoulder, knee, or another body part? Will workers’ […]

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Will Your Workers’ Comp. Benefits Increase Each Year?

Your employer is likely to give you a raise each year, but what about if you injure yourself and start to collect workers’ comp? Will the amount of your benefits increase every year? Will there be a cost-of-living increase applied to your workers’ comp. benefits? Good questions – we’re here to provide you with the […]

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Workers’ Comp. and Health Insurance

If you are unlucky enough to injure yourself at work , you will find out that your life will be turned upside down. You will be in pain which will require you to see doctors, take medication, and receive other treatment like physical therapy and injections. You will most likely be unable to perform your […]

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Working for Uber or Lyft while on Workers’ Comp.

In recent years, Uber and Lyft have become increasingly popular modes of transportation — and also a good way for people to earn money as a driver, either full-time or part-time.  But can a person who is injured at work and collecting workers’ compensation benefits drive for a ride-sharing company like Uber or Lyft?  What […]

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What Is A Termination Petition?

If you injure yourself at work and are collecting workers’ compensation benefits, one piece of mail you want to receive less than a letter for jury duty is a Termination Petition filed by your employer’s workers’ comp. insurance company. What does a Termination Petition mean? What should you do in response to a Termination Petition? […]

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Injured at work when you have a second job.

What happens if you are injured at work and not only are you unable to perform the job you were doing when you hurt yourself, your injuries also prevent you from working a second job that you held? In workers’ compensation, this is called “concurrent employment,” and if this applies to you, it’s important that […]

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Can I Collect Workers’ Compensation If I Was Drinking Or Taking Drugs Before I Injured Myself At Work?

The coronavirus crisis has been so stressful, undoubtedly it has driven some people to drink and do drugs to deal with the anxiety. If you’re not working and you’re at home having a couple of drinks or smoking some pot, that’s one thing, but listen closely: if you drink or take drugs and then injure […]

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