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Eric Pearson and Jon Koutcher named 2021 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers

PHILADELPHIA, PA, May 26, 2021 – Eric Pearson and Jon Koutcher, workers comp lawyers PA, have been selected for the eleventh year in a row to the Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list as among the top workers’ compensation attorneys in Pennsylvania for 2021. Each year, no more than five percent of the lawyers in the state […]

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Working To Help Injured Workers Through the Workers’ Comp Process

I began working in Pennsylvania workers’ compensation in March of 2015. I started off as a bilingual legal assistant (hablo español), was promoted to medical coordinator, and eventually a paralegal (my current position) for a busy workers’ compensation lawyer at Pearson Koutcher Law, a workers comp law firms Philadelphia. Working in this field has been […]

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Working In Workers’ Compensation As A Spanish Liaison

To say that a language is just a barrier is such an understatement. If you are hurt at work in Pennsylvania and you only speak Spanish, how do you fill out a workers’ comp claim? Whom do you speak to in Human Resources (HR)? How do you understand your doctor? Does your union rep. speak […]

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The Rewards of Working in Workers’ Compensation PA

I have been working in the legal field for 30 years. I worked my first 10 years in family law and have spent my last 20 years in workers compensation PA law. I would not want to work in any other field because it is just so rewarding. Working in Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp is Rewarding […]

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Growing Up Working In PA Workers’ Compensation

When I started in workers’ comp., I was 23 years old and I had only a vague idea of what it was. I was a recent college graduate with a degree in criminal justice and no idea what to do with it. All I knew is that I wanted to help people. After my first […]

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Working in Workers’ Compensation PA During The Pandemic

Where did the year go? Did it not feel like the longest year of your life? These are two of the most frequently asked questions by many. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life drastically for so many Americans, including the workers comp lawyers PA and staff at Pearson Koutcher Law. I know my life has […]

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Working in PA Workers’ Comp

When it comes to the legal field, why choose to work in workers’ compensation? I have spent the better part of my adult life assisting attorneys as they settle their workers’ compensation cases for maximum wage and medical benefits for injured workers in Pennsylvania. From the first signature to the last, my involvement as a […]

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Winning Your Workers’ Compensation Case

Legendary Green Bay Packers’ coach Vince Lombardi liked to inspire his players by saying, “Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing.” Lombardi’s motto helped his Packers win five NFL championships, including the first two Super Bowls. At Pearson Koutcher Law, our lawyers for workers comp share Lombardi’s passion for winning and always do our best […]

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FMLA and Workers’ Compensation

If you injure yourself at work and cannot perform your regular duties, you may get bombarded with paperwork from your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company. They are required to send you documentation, indicating whether they are accepting or denying your claim; if they accept your claim, the insurance company must indicate whether they are accepting […]

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Functional Capacity Evaluations in Workers’ Compensation Cases

If you have injured yourself at work, it is possible that at some point one of your treating doctors will recommend that you undergo a Functional Capacity Evaluation – also known as an FCE. If that happens, you will probably wonder – what is an FCE? And how could it affect my workers’ compensation case? […]

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Surveillance During The Pandemic

Make no mistake about it – if you injure yourself at work, the workers’ compensation insurance company for your employer is not your friend. They are in business to make money and want to pay out as little money as they can on each claim, including yours. There are numerous tools in their arsenal to […]

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A Work Injury Affects the Entire Family

If you injure yourself at work and think that only you will be affected, think again. Unfortunately, your family will also suffer consequences from your injury. That is why it is of utmost importance that you hire a top workers’ compensation lawyer – a lawyer at Pearson Koutcher Law – to protect you and your […]

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When Can a Judge be Recused?

Recusal is a fancy legal term that you may have heard over the years while watching legal dramas on TV but you do not fully understand. We’re going to tell you exactly what that term means and how it could affect your workers’ compensation case. Recusal is defined as a challenge of a Judge (or […]

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How Do I Prepare To Testify In My Workers’ Compensation Case?

If you have a workers’ compensation claim, it’s likely that at some point you will have to testify. If you have never testified in a legal matter, it’s understandable that you will have some anxiety. Even if you have testified before, you may be anxious. Here are some tips to help put you at ease […]

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Women and Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation

Throughout time, women have been known to perform a multitude of physically demanding jobs such as factory or warehouse work and sometimes suffer from a work injury in Pennsylvania.  Women whose jobs are more of a light-duty nature still get injured, such as in a motor vehicle accident while traveling for their job, or in […]

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Workers’ Comp. 2020 Wrap Up

2020 has been a year to forget with the COVID crisis crippling our country. We extend our deepest sympathies to everybody who has lost family members and friends to this dreadful virus. Let’s count our blessings and hope that the vaccines will put an end to the pandemic in 2021. The world of Pennsylvania workers’ […]

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