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Surgery In A Workers’ Compensation Case

It’s bad enough if you strain your neck, back, or knee on the job and cannot work for a couple, three months. But if you need surgery because of your injury – that’s a whole different ballgame. Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law provides that somebody who injures themself at work and is disabled from their job […]

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Workers’ Compensation Investigations And What They Look For

If you’re curious about workers’ compensation investigations, our workers compensation lawyers in PA at Pearson Koutcher Law can help you understand the process. Investigators are looking for a sign that an injured worker is not as injured as they are claiming. This may include failure to follow medical restrictions, working at a second job, and […]

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Concussions In Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Cases

It’s hard to watch an NFL game these days without seeing at least one player take a hit to the head that requires him to go to the sideline for the medical staff to perform tests to determine if he suffered a concussion. But it’s not just athletes competing in football games and other sports […]

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Can Injured Workers Refuse Medical Treatment

On June 1, 2023, PA workers’ compensation lawyer Dave Brown of Pearson Koutcher law participated in an oral argument before the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board in a case involving an important workers’ compensation issue. The Appeal Board, comprised of the full board — the Chairman and five Commissioners — heard oral argument on four […]

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Lost Wages from Workplace Accidents: Employee Compensation

In Pennsylvania, an injured worker that is disabled is entitled to wage-loss benefits, as well as the payment of medical bills. Here is a quick summary of how an injured worker is compensated for lost wages after getting hurt on the job from the lawyers for workplace injuries at Pearson Koutcher Law. Calculating How Much […]

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COVID-19 And Workers’ Compensation In Pennsylvania

COVID – 19 has wrecked havoc on families across the United States since March 2020. It is everywhere and it is scary. What made COVID so scary, was not knowing how you contracted it? Did you catch the virus at work? Do you still have lingering COVID symptoms? If so, can you collect workers’ compensation […]

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We Are 2023 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers

PHILADELPHIA, PA, May 19, 2023 – Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyers Eric Pearson and Jon Koutcher have been selected for the thirteenth year in a row and Dave Brown and Mindy Levin for the 2nd year to the Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list of the top workers’ compensation attorneys in Pennsylvania for 2023. Each year, no more […]

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Cycle For Survival

Over the weekend, Jonathan Koutcher, founding partner of Pearson Koutcher Law, and his family participated in Cycle For Survival to raise money for rare cancer research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) exists to end cancer for life. Their specialized care teams work tirelessly to provide personalized, compassionate, […]

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Amendments To Disfigurement Section Of Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Law Would Be Win For Injured Workers

Every few years, the Pennsylvania legislature makes amendments to the state’s workers’ compensation law. Sometimes, the amendments are favorable to injured workers; other times, the changes benefit employers and insurance companies. Recently, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed a House Bill, HB 930, by a vote of 112-88, that will be a nice win for […]

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How To Claim For Wage Loss In Workers’ Compensation

If you have recently suffered an injury or illness while at work in Pennsylvania, you may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation wage-loss benefits. With the help of a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyer from Pearson Koutcher Law, this type of benefits can be obtained to provide you and your family with financial support and peace […]

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Out Of State Work Injuries

If you live and work in another state, travel to a conference in Pennsylvania and injure yourself while you’re working here, do you have a workers’ compensation claim in Pennsylvania or in your home state? And what if your job is based in Pennsylvania, and you fly out of state for business and get hurt […]

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7 Things To Avoid When Filling A Workers’ Compensation Claim

Sometimes even the best workers’ compensation attorneys will try to downplay the complexities of their clients’ cases in order to comfort them. However, at Pearson Koutcher Law, we believe that you have the best chance of success in your workers’ comp. claim if you are aware of the key don’ts. While this is not an […]

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What Happens When You Are Injured At Work Twice?

In baseball, if teams play two games in a day, it’s called a doubleheader. In the workplace, if somebody sustains two injuries – in the same day, week, month, or year – that is one unlucky person. But how does this play out in a PA workers’ compensation case? We like to use hypotheticals to […]

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What Can I Expect After a Workers’ Compensation Claim is Filed?

If you have been injured at work, there can be a lot of uncertainty about what comes next, especially if you are not receiving benefits. If you hire Pearson Koutcher Law, one of our seasoned workers’ compensation lawyers will file a Claim Petition on your behalf, alleging that you’ve been injured at work and are […]

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How Workers’ Compensation Works for You

Wondering how workers’ compensation works? Looking to apply for workers’ compensation benefits? You have come to the right place. Pearson Koutcher Law, expert workers’ compensation lawyers in PA, have provided a step-by-step guide on how to apply for workers’ compensation. Read on to learn the process in workers’ compensation cases so you will know what […]

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When To Hire A PA Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Do I Need A Lawyer If I’m Currently Receiving Benefits? If you injured yourself at work in Pennsylvania and reported it to your employer, you may have started to receive workers’ compensation benefits without contacting a lawyer. Sometimes, the insurance company does the right thing and accepts a claim. However, you may still be wondering […]

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