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I shouldn’t bother my employer with my pain complaints unless it’s forcing me out of work in PA.

Earlier in the blog series we discussed the misconception that only people who sustain serious, one-time injuries are eligible to receive Workers’ Compensation benefits: Common Workers’ Compensation Misconceptions. We explained that work injuries can be caused by the repetitive-stress of your job and do not need to be pin-pointed to a specific time, date, or […]

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I can’t get Workers’ Comp benefits in PA because I did not suffer an obvious, one-time, injury.

In the world of Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation, there are a number of common misconceptions spanning a number of topics from case valuation to medical treatment to whether you are entitled to benefits. The following Blog will state a common misconception in Workers’ Compensation cases and illustrate why it is incorrect. “I can’t get benefits because […]

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What happens if you’re injured at work and your employer does not have Workers’ Compensation insurance In Pennsylvania?

It’s a felony for an employer in Pennsylvania not to carry Workers’ Compensation insurance for its employees, but despite the risk of criminal penalties, many employers foolishly fail to maintain insurance. So what happens if you injure yourself at work, and when you report it to your boss, you are told the company has no […]

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Who pays litigation costs in Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation?

You may have wondered: if you hurt yourself at work, your claim has been denied, and you hire a lawyer to file a petition for workers’ compensation benefits on your behalf, who is going to pay the costs that are incurred to present your case before the judge? If you hire the top-notch firm of […]

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How does a child support lien affect my PA Workers’ Compensation case?

If a judge awards you workers’ compensation benefits – there is a decision in your favor or a settlement is approved – and you owe money for back child support, these arrearages will need to be satisfied before you receive your benefits. With the help of your workers’ comp lawyer Philadelphia at Pearson Koutcher Law, […]

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How does the Appeal Process work in PA Workers’ Compensation?

We have good news and bad news regarding the appeal process in Workers’ Compensation cases. If you win your case before the Workers’ Compensation Judge, your employer stands a slim chance of getting the decision reversed on appeal. But in the same token, if you lose your case, it will be difficult for you to […]

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What are the steps in the NJ Workers’ Compensation process?

New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Flow Chart The NJ Workers’ Compensation process is confusing. The lawyers at Pearson Koutcher Law are here to help, starting with the flow chart below that breaks down the steps of the Workers’ Compensation process in New Jersey. Please read through and then give us a call with your questions. We […]

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What are the steps in the PA Workers’ Compensation process?

Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Flow Chart The PA Workers’ Compensation process is complicated. The lawyers at Pearson Koutcher Law are here to help, starting with the flow chart below that breaks down the steps of the Workers’ Compensation process in Pennsylvania. Please read through and then give us a call with your questions. We look forward […]

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What are the differences between New Jersey and Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation?

What is Workers’ Compensation? Pennsylvania and New Jersey: No fault system which provides benefits for injured workers. You don’t have to show that the injury was somebody’s fault, just that the injury happened at work. What do you do if you are injured at work? Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Report the injury to your supervisor, […]

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Do your actions on and off the internet jeopardize your workers’ comp benefits?

Facebook has made founder Mark Zuckerberg a multi-billionaire but it has cost injured workers thousands of dollars in their workers’ compensation cases. All too often, an injured worker will post pictures of himself on Facebook – or one of the other social media sites – dancing, playing a sport, or engaging in some other activity […]

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What are Termination, Suspension and Modification Petitions in PA Workers Comp?

If you have injured yourself at work and started to receive workers’ compensation benefits because you’re not able to do your job and your medical bills are being paid, we have to caution you: don’t get too comfortable. The insurance company for your employer is always looking for ways to reduce the amount of money […]

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Is Tendinitis covered by Pa Workers’ Compensation?

Yes, if a doctor diagnoses you with tendinitis or another condition relating to tendon inflammation or damage that was caused by your work-related tasks, it is most likely covered by Workers’ Compensation, call Pearson Koutcher Law to Discuss Your Workers’ Compensation Claim. Let us put our decades of experience to work for you, helping you […]

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Should I seek medical treatment if I hurt myself at work in PA?

If you injure yourself at work, it’s important that you seek medical treatment promptly and continue undergoing treatment for as long as you suffer pain and limitations from your injuries. This may seem obvious, but some injured workers are remiss in seeing doctors and it ends up causing them to lose their case. An example […]

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What is a Utilization Review in Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation?

Pennsylvania workers’ compensation insurance companies are always looking for ways to limit the amount of money they are required to pay on claims. One of their weapons is a utilization review (U.R., for short) which they often file to challenge whether treatment an injured worker is receiving for his work injury is reasonable and necessary. […]

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Scars, Disfigurement and Workers’ Compensation

People usually file workers’ compensation claims because they have injured themselves on the job and are seeking money for their lost wages and payment of their medical bills. Many people don’t realize that they are potentially entitled to additional money if they are disfigured as a result of their work injury. Burns, cuts which require […]

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Can I receive unemployment benefits and file for Workers’ Compensation in Pennsylvania?

Let’s say you injured yourself at work, your claim has been denied, and a petition for benefits on your behalf has been filed which is being heard by a workers’ compensation judge. The process is lengthy, and you don’t have any money coming in, so you ask yourself: Can I apply for unemployment benefits while […]

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